Saturn Will Not Sleep - Discovery (Official Video)

Support the Flipside
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We'll keep this short and sweet.

For the love of God, give us money!

Seriously, though, Flipside Movie Emporium wasn't started in early 2000 with the intention of ever making any money. It was born out of a love for movies and writing about them. But the truth is, Flipside's writers work hard creating quality content with no monetary compensation for their efforts. (Flipside's webmaster and editor works pretty hard, too -- well, some of the time.) As of December 2003, the website looks like it may finally begin generating a revenue stream that will cover hosting costs and then some. You can rest assured that a portion of any profits will go to Flipside's writers. So if you enjoy the site and would like to donate a dollar or more as a token of your appreciation, we won't complain. We'll love ya for it.

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And if doesn't do it for ya...

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If you shop at any of these places regularly, you could always come back here to enter through our links. It would make us very happy, at least.

Whether or not you choose to show your support, we thank you.

"Now, you will see me one more time if you do good. You'll see me two more times if you do bad. Goodnight."
--The Cowboy (Monty Montgomery), Mulholland Drive

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This site was previously at from 2000 to 2008.

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